All ZAP Videos

This lists all of the Official ZAP Videos, in reverse chronological order - ZAP changes so much that older videos may well be out of date.

Series Title Length Tags Date
ZAP Chat 20 Client Spider 13:52 explore modern spider 2025/01/31
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 19 Release 2.16.0 16:27 release 2025/01/21
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 18 Antero, The New ZAP Project Manager 8:44 people 2024/10/28
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 17 Fuzz AI Files 12:54 ai fuzzing llm 2024/09/30
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 16 Automation Framework Part 7 - Authentication 26:56 authentication automation 2024/01/24
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 15 New Web GUI? 30:03 gsoc 2024/01/17
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 14 Google Summer of Code 27:10 gsoc 2024/01/10
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 13 2023 Review 27:28 review 2024/01/03
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 12 Automation Framework Part 6 - Delays and Active Scan 30:14 activeScan automation 2023/12/20
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 11 Automation Framework Part 5 - APIs 15:42 api automation 2023/12/14
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 10 Automation Framework Part 4 - Spidering 24:25 automation spider 2023/12/14
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 09 Automation Framework Part 3 - Requests 22:20 automation 2023/11/29
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 08 Automation Framework Part 2 - Environment 24:01 automation 2023/11/23
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 07 Automation Framework Part 1 - Introduction 27:05 automation introduction 2023/11/15
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 06 Automation Introduction 36:59 automation introduction 2023/11/09
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 05 Modern Apps Part 1 19:14 browser modern 2023/11/03
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 04 ZAPit 20:50 automation reconnaissance 2023/10/18
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 03 Break Points 12:46 breakpoints manual 2023/09/15
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 02 Authentication Tester 14:48 authentication automation 2023/09/15
ZAP Chat ZAP Chat 01 Introduction 1:03 intro 2023/09/15
A Deep Dive into OWASP ZAP (feat. Simon Bennetts) - The Big Fix 2023 by Snyk 14:38 intro 2023/03/29
ZAPCon 2022 API Security Testing (Workshop) 2:24:35 fuzzing openapi soap zapcon 2022/03/09
ZAPCon 2022 How to Contribute to ZAP (Workshop) 1:31:03 development intro zapcon 2022/03/09
ZAPCon 2022 Automated Security Testing with GitHub Actions (Workshop) 1:31:57 automation githubAction zapcon 2022/03/09
ZAPCon 2022 ZAP for Everybody 44:05 intro zapcon 2022/03/08
ZAPCon 2022 The OWASP Top Ten 2021 and ZAP 39:07 owaspTop10 zapcon 2022/03/08
ZAPCon 2022 Out-of-band Application Security Testing with ZAP 42:52 oast zapcon 2022/03/08
ZAPCon 2022 More Power to "ZAP" - Demystifying ZAP Add-ons 40:29 addons zapcon 2022/03/08
ZAPCon 2022 ZAP Project Updates 38:07 automation zapcon 2022/03/08
ZAPCon 2022 Modern Approaches to Application Security (Panel) 40:31 zapcon 2022/03/08
ZAPCon 2022 The Final Frontier, Automating Dynamic Security Testing 43:14 automation zapcon 2022/03/08
ZAPCon 2022 Drive-By Pentesting with ZAP Scripts 38:19 scripts zapcon 2022/03/08
ZAPCon 2022 ZAP Integration and Automation (Panel) 37:19 automation zapcon 2022/03/08
GitHub DemoDays: Visual application security testing with ZAP and Simon Bennetts 48:31 demodays hud 2022/01/20
OWASP Outstanding Project 2021 22:50 award owasp waspy 2021/11/17
Using OWASP ZAP across an Enterprise 38:51 appsecpodcast automation intro 2021/11/10
Deep Dive ZAP 2.11.0 17:53 automation docker oast release reporting retesting statistics 2021/11/09
ZAPCon 2021 First Look: ZAP Automation Framework 49:50 afterhours automation zapcon 2021/08/04
Evolution of AppSec: Perspectives from a Decade of Building OWASP ZAP 40:00 intro rsa 2021/07/20
Deep Dive WebSockets 18:06 scripts websockets 2021/07/15
Deep Dive Fuzzing 33:09 fuzzing scripts 2021/06/10
Deep Dive Zest Scripting Part 3 29:22 scripts zest 2021/05/13
Deep Dive Zest Scripting Part 2 29:19 scripts zest 2021/05/06
Deep Dive Zest Scripting Part 1 33:49 scripts zest 2021/04/15
Automating OWASP ZAP 59:08 automation conference intro 2021/04/12
Deep Dive Setting up a ZAP Dev Environment 32:02 add-ons development 2021/03/25
Deep Dive Report Generation 23:52 reporting 2021/03/18
ZAPCon 2021 The whole conference (4½ hours) 4:31:39 zapcon 2021/03/09
ZAPCon 2021 Democratizing ZAP with Test Automation and DSLs 47:47 automation zapcon 2021/03/09
ZAPCon 2021 ZAP Project Updates 36:10 automation oast reporting zapcon 2021/03/09
ZAPCon 2021 Mobile Application Security Testing with ZAP 37:37 mobile zapcon 2021/03/09
ZAPCon 2021 ZAP in Pakistani Fintech 34:42 zapcon 2021/03/09
ZAPCon 2021 Enhancing ZAP with Feedback Based Fuzzing 40:40 fuzzing zapcon 2021/03/09
ZAPCon 2021 Starting a Security Program on a Shoestring (with ZAP) 28:23 zapcon 2021/03/09
ZAPCon 2021 Simon Bennetts Ask Me Anything 1:03:55 ama zapcon 2021/03/09
Deep Dive Authenticated Packaged Scans 28:33 authentication forcedUserMode packagedScan 2021/02/25
Deep Dive Automation 27:50 automation cmdline daemon docker githubAction packagedScan scanHooks 2021/02/18
ZAP Automation in CI/CD 1:29:05 automation conference intro 2021/02/16
Deep Dive Configuration 26:37 config contexts scanPolicy scripts 2021/02/13
Deep Dive Active Scanning 31:26 activeScan attackMode inputVectors scanPolicy 2021/01/22
Deep Dive Passive Scanning 27:35 passiveScan 2021/01/11
Deep Dive 2.10.0 Introduction 27:44 add-ons authentication customPages formHandler graphql release soap 2020/12/18
Deep Dive Scripting 28:35 scripts 2020/12/10
Deep Dive The Sites Tree 30:26 dataDrivenNode siteTree structuralParameter 2020/11/24
Deep Dive Exploring in other ways 20:23 explore forcedBrowse formHandler graphql logFileImport openapi soap swagger urlImport 2020/11/24
Deep Dive Exploring with the Ajax Spider 21:09 ajaxSpider explore 2020/11/24
Deep Dive Exploring with the spider 34:46 explore spider 2020/11/24
Deep Dive Desktop Interface 31:54 desktop 2020/11/24
Deep Dive Intro to ZAP 21:42 cmdline desktop help intro 2020/11/24
An Introduction to OWASP ZAP 36:45 intro 2020/09/24
Web Security for Web Developers 1:17:06 2020/07/16
ADDO Automation Automation Introduction 8:02 automation intro 2020/04/17
ADDO Automation Automation Command line 14:03 automation cmdline 2020/04/17
ADDO Automation Automation Packaged scans 52:52 automation packagedScan 2020/04/17
ADDO Automation Automation Intro to Auth 2:31 authentication automation 2020/04/17
ADDO Automation Automation Simple Auth Bodgeit 12:46 authentication automation 2020/04/17
ADDO Automation Automation Simple Auth JuiceShop 23:30 authentication automation 2020/04/17
ADDO Automation Automation Auth Scripts 1:57 authentication automation scripts 2020/04/17
ADDO Automation Automation SSO with Juice Shop 35:35 authentication automation 2020/04/17
ZAP in Ten Active Scan Scripts 11:37 scripts 2020/04/03
ZAP in Ten Passive Scan Scripts 11:53 scripts 2020/04/03
ZAP in Ten Proxy and HttpSender scripts 10:12 scripts 2020/03/23
ZAP in Ten Targeted Scripts 9:59 scripts 2020/03/23
ZAP in Ten Intro to Scripting 9:32 scripts 2020/03/23
ZAP in Ten Authentication - Form based 12:59 authentication 2020/03/23
ZAP in Ten Auth - Basic and Digest 9:57 authentication 2020/03/23
ZAP in Ten 2.9.0 10:43 release 2020/02/04
ZAP in Ten Marketplace 9:47 marketplace 2020/02/04
ZAP in Ten Website and Resource Update 10:22 website 2020/02/04
ZAP in Ten Active Scanning 9:45 activeScan 2020/02/04
ZAP in Ten Passive Scanning 10:26 passiveScan 2019/12/12
ZAP in Ten Ajax Spider 8:33 ajaxSpider explore 2019/12/12
ZAP in Ten Explore your Apps 10:35 explore 2019/12/12
ZAP in Ten HUD Intro 10:39 HUD 2019/11/26
ZAP in Ten Desktop Interface 10:06 desktop 2019/11/26
ZAP in Ten Resource Downloads 7:43 download 2019/11/26
ZAP in Ten Welcome 9:57 intro 2019/11/26
Introducing the ZAP HUD 25:57 conference hud 2019/04/15
Tutorials Browser Launch 6:20 browserLaunch 2017/08/22
Automating OWASP ZAP 58:00 automation conference 2016/11/20
Tutorials Security scanning in a CI Pipeline 30:15 automation baselineScan intro 2016/11/15
An Introduction to ZAP 57:19 conference intro 2016/07/29
Introduction to ZAP 16:07 conference intro 2016/03/04
ZAP More Advanced Features 46:56 conference 2015/06/09
Tutorials ZAP 2.4.0 Introduction 10:20 release 2015/04/14
Tutorials ZAP UI and Spidering 50:13 desktop spider 2015/04/02
Tutorials OWASP A1: Injection 6:36 injection 2014/10/20
Tutorials Ajax Spidering Authenticated Websites 8:22 ajaxSpider authentication 2014/08/20
ZAP Advanced Features 53:25 conference 2014/07/03
Tutorials Authentication, Session and Users Management 18:11 authentication 2013/12/21
ZAP Innovations 51:18 conference 2013/11/21
Practical Security for Developers 51:48 conference intro 2013/02/11
Tutorials ZAP 2.0.0 Overview 11:30 release 2013/02/08
Tutorials ZAP Tutorial - Overview 7:23 intro 2012/10/12
Tutorials ZAP Initial Setup Guide 5:48 setup 2012/08/01
Tutorials Security Testing in Development and QA 15:52 intro 2012/06/13