Tag: Release

ZAP 2.16.1

Posted 214 Words
ZAP 2.16.1 has just been released. This is a bug fix release, along with some minor enhancements

The Client Spider

Posted 847 Words
We introduced a new Client Spider in ZAP 2.16.0, this blog post and video explain why we did that, how it works, and where it’s going

ZAP 2.16.0

Posted 738 Words
ZAP 2.16.0 has just been released. It includes a brand new spider, detachable tabs, policy definitions, and lots more…

ZAP 2.15.0

Posted 461 Words
ZAP 2.15.0 has just been released, and adds support for scripts as first class scan rules, restructured desktop menu items, and more…

ZAP 2.14.0

Posted 633 Words
ZAP 2.14.0 has just been released, and adds support for Host Header Manipulation, ZAPit, API File Transfers, Graal JS Add-on Access, Postman collections, SBOMs, and more…

ZAP 2.13.0

Posted 547 Words
ZAP 2.13.0 has just been released, and adds support for HTTP/2, improved authentication handling and Mac Silicon.

ZAP 2.11.0

Posted 490 Words

ZAP 2.11.0 (also known as the OWASP 20th anniversary release) is available now.

Major changes include:

Alert Tags

Alerts can now be tagged with arbitrary keys or key=value pairs - this can be done via the desktop GUI and the API.

ZAP 2.10 Features

Posted 939 Words
Do you know what interesting bits were added to ZAP 2.10.0? Don’t read release notes? This blog post is for you! Dark mode, Expand/Collapse top panes, Custom pages, Scriptable encode/decode/hash, Authentication polling, Auth header via ENV vars, Site tree control, and more.

ZAP 2.9 Highlights

Posted 953 Words
Do you know what interesting bits were added to ZAP 2.9.0? Don’t read release notes? This blog post is for you! Session Management Scripts, Proxy Info Display, Proxy Port Reservation Failure Handling, Options Panel(s) Filter, Active Scan Filter, and more.

ZAP 2.5.0

Posted 362 Words

ZAP 2.5.0 is now available.

This release contains a large number of enhancements and fixes which are detailed in the release notes.

API changes

There have been some API changes which are not backwards compatible, and the reason for the version change to 2.5. These are detailed in the release notes.
The API has also been extended to cover even more of the functionality in ZAP, including full access to the statistics.

ZAP Weekly Releases

Posted 485 Words

I’ve been struggling with the question of ZAP releases.
We’ve made loads of enhancements to ZAP recently, and I want them to be available to as wide an audience as possible.
But I also want to make sure our ‘full’ releases remain as robust and stable as possible.
I want to get the next full release (2.0.0) out of the door asap, but I still want to get a load more features into it.