Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use Chrome with ZAP in Docker?

The Chrome browser is not included by default in the ZAP Docker images. This FAQ entry will walk-through the steps necessary to install and run Chrome with ZAP in a Docker container, to be used by its tools (e.g. DOM XSS Scan Rule, AJAX Spider).

  1. Create a Dockerfile using one of the ZAP images and installing Chrome, e.g.:
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 softwaresecurityproject/zap-stable:latest

USER root

RUN apt-get update && \
	wget -q && \
	apt-get install -y ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb && \
	rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

USER zap
  1. Build the new image, e.g.: zap-chrome
docker build -f Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 -t zap-chrome .

To verify everything is working create an Automation Framework plan called chrome.yaml with the following contents:

  - name: "Chrome Headless Test"
    - ""
    failOnError: true
    failOnWarning: true
    progressToStdout: true
- parameters:
    maxDuration: 1
    numberOfBrowsers: 1
    browserId: "chrome-headless"
  - name: "At least one URL found"
    onFail: "WARN"
    statistic: "spiderAjax.urls.added"
    site: ""
    operator: ">="
    value: 20
    type: "stats"
  name: "spiderAjax"
  type: "spiderAjax"

In the same directory as the plan run ZAP using the Docker image created previously, e.g.:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/zap/wrk/:rw -it zap-chrome -cmd -autorun /zap/wrk/chrome.yaml

The plan should output something like:

Job spiderAjax set numberOfBrowsers = 1
Job spiderAjax set maxDuration = 1
Job spiderAjax set browserId = chrome-headless
Job spiderAjax/stats/null set name = At least one URL found
Job spiderAjax/stats/null set onFail = Warn
Job spiderAjax/stats/null set statistic = spiderAjax.urls.added
Job spiderAjax/stats/null set site = 
Job spiderAjax/stats/null set operator = >=
Job spiderAjax/stats/null set value = 20
Job spiderAjax/stats/null set type = stats
Job spiderAjax adding test of type stats : At least one URL found
Job spiderAjax started
Job spiderAjax found 254 URLs
Job spiderAjax test of type stats passed: At least one URL found [254 >= 20]
Job spiderAjax finished, time taken: 00:01:01
Automation plan succeeded!

If Chrome fails to start because the container is being run with the root user, you might need to start ZAP with:

-config selenium.chromeArgs.arg.argument=--no-sandbox

Before you do so, read more about the sandbox in and consider using the zap user instead.

For DOM XSS to use Chrome run ZAP with:

-config rules.domxss.browserid=chrome-headless

If you have any issues or feedback get in touch through the ZAP User Group.