The ZAP Baseline scan is a script that is available in the ZAP Docker images.
It runs the ZAP spider against the specified target for (by default) 1 minute and then waits for the passive scanning to complete before reporting the results.
This means that the script doesn’t perform any actual ‘attacks’ and will run for a relatively short period of time (a few minutes at most).
By default it reports all alerts as WARNings but you can specify a config file which can change any rules to FAIL or IGNORE.
This script is intended to be ideal to run in a CI/CD environment, even against production sites.
Usage: -t <target> [options]
-t target target URL including the protocol, eg
-h print this help message
-c config_file config file to use to INFO, IGNORE or FAIL warnings
-u config_url URL of config file to use to INFO, IGNORE or FAIL warnings
-g gen_file generate default config file (all rules set to WARN)
-m mins the number of minutes to spider for (default 1)
-r report_html file to write the full ZAP HTML report
-w report_md file to write the full ZAP Wiki (Markdown) report
-x report_xml file to write the full ZAP XML report
-J report_json file to write the full ZAP JSON document
-a include the alpha passive scan rules as well
-d show debug messages
-P specify listen port
-D secs delay in seconds to wait for passive scanning
-i default rules not in the config file to INFO
-I do not return failure on warning
-j use the Ajax spider in addition to the traditional one
-l level minimum level to show: PASS, IGNORE, INFO, WARN or FAIL, use with -s to hide example URLs
-n context_file context file which will be loaded prior to spidering the target
-p progress_file progress file which specifies issues that are being addressed
-s short output format - dont show PASSes or example URLs
-T mins max time in minutes to wait for ZAP to start and the passive scan to run
-U user username to use for authenticated scans - must be defined in the given context file (post 2.9.0)
-z zap_options ZAP command line options e.g. -z "-config aaa=bbb -config ccc=ddd"
--hook path to python file that define your custom hooks
--auto use the automation framework if supported for the given parameters (this will become the default soon)
--autooff do not use the automation framework even if supported for the given parameters
To run it with no ‘file’ params use:
docker run -t -t
If you use ‘file’ params then you need to mount the directory those file are in or will be generated in, eg
docker run -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw -t \
-t -g gen.conf -r testreport.html
Note that $(pwd)
is supported on Linux, MacOS and PowerShell.
See Docker About - Mounting the current directory for Windows, etc.
Example Output
docker run -t -t
May 17, 2016 1:24:32 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run
INFO: Created user preferences directory.
Total of 3 URLs
PASS: Cookie No HttpOnly Flag [10010]
PASS: Cookie Without Secure Flag [10011]
PASS: Password Autocomplete in Browser [10012]
PASS: Cross-Domain JavaScript Source File Inclusion [10017]
PASS: Content-Type Header Missing [10019]
PASS: Information Disclosure - Debug Error Messages [10023]
PASS: Information Disclosure - Sensitive Informations in URL [10024]
PASS: Information Disclosure - Sensitive Information in HTTP Referrer Header [10025]
PASS: HTTP Parameter Override [10026]
PASS: Information Disclosure - Suspicious Comments [10027]
PASS: Viewstate Scanner [10032]
PASS: Secure Pages Include Mixed Content [10040]
PASS: Weak Authentication Method [10105]
PASS: Private IP Disclosure [2]
PASS: Session ID in URL Rewrite [3]
PASS: Absence of Anti-CSRF Tokens [40014]
PASS: Script passive scan rules [50001]
PASS: Insecure JSF ViewState [90001]
PASS: Charset Mismatch [90011]
PASS: Application Error Disclosure [90022]
PASS: WSDL File Passive Scanner [90030]
PASS: Loosely Scoped Cookie [90033]
WARN: Incomplete or No Cache-control and Pragma HTTP Header Set [10015] x 3
WARN: Web Browser XSS Protection Not Enabled [10016] x 3
WARN: X-Frame-Options Header Not Set [10020] x 3
WARN: X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing [10021] x 3
Exit Value
The script will exit with codes of:
- 0: Success
- 1: At least 1 FAIL
- 2: At least one WARN and no FAILs
- 3: Any other failure
By default all alerts found by ZAP will be treated as WARNings.
You can use the -c
or -u
parameters to specify a configuration file to override this.
Configuration File
You can configure how the baseline scan runs with a configuration file. A default configuration file can be created using the ‘-g’ parameter.
# zap-baseline rule configuration file
# Change WARN to IGNORE to ignore rule or FAIL to fail if rule matches
# Only the rule identifiers are used - the names are just for info
# You can add your own messages to each rule by appending them after a tab on each line.
10010 WARN (Cookie No HttpOnly Flag)
10011 WARN (Cookie Without Secure Flag)
10012 WARN (Password Autocomplete in Browser)
10015 WARN (Incomplete or No Cache-control and Pragma HTTP Header Set)
10016 WARN (Web Browser XSS Protection Not Enabled)
10017 WARN (Cross-Domain JavaScript Source File Inclusion)
10019 WARN (Content-Type Header Missing)
10020 WARN (X-Frame-Options Header Scanner)
10021 WARN (X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing)
10023 WARN (Information Disclosure - Debug Error Messages)
10024 WARN (Information Disclosure - Sensitive Informations in URL)
10025 WARN (Information Disclosure - Sensitive Information in HTTP Referrer Header)
10026 WARN (HTTP Parameter Override)
10027 WARN (Information Disclosure - Suspicious Comments)
10032 WARN (Viewstate Scanner)
10040 WARN (Secure Pages Include Mixed Content)
10105 WARN (Weak Authentication Method)
10202 WARN (Absence of Anti-CSRF Tokens)
2 WARN (Private IP Disclosure)
3 WARN (Session ID in URL Rewrite)
50001 WARN (Script Passive Scan Rules)
90001 WARN (Insecure JSF ViewState)
90011 WARN (Charset Mismatch)
90022 WARN (Application Error Disclosure)
90030 WARN (WSDL File Passive Scanner)
90033 WARN (Loosely Scoped Cookie)
Edit the file and change WARN to IGNORE to ignore rule or FAIL to fail as required.
You can also specify URL regex patterns which should be ignored by adding lines like:
<rule-id> OUTOFSCOPE <regex>
to the file. You can also use ‘*’ for all rules. For example:
# Ignore the specified URL for Autocomplete in browser
# Ignore all URLS containing ‘.js’ for all scan rules
Progress File
You can specify a progress file to flag issues that are already known about and are being addressed:
"site" : "",
"issues" : [
"id" : "10016",
"name" : "Web Browser XSS Protection Not Enabled",
"state" : "inprogress",
"link": ""
"id" : "10020",
"name" : "X-Frame-Options Header Not Set",
"state" : "inprogress",
"link": ""
These issues will then be flagged as being ‘IN-PROGRESS’ which makes it much easier to identify new issues.
ZAP Parameters
You can pass parameters onto ZAP using the baseline -z
parameter. This means you can fine tune ZAP, for example by specifying any of the parameters that are stored in the ZAP config file via the -config key=value
The weekly version of ZAP supports scan rule configuration. One particular configuration option allows you to define the IDs of HTML forms which you want to ignore when it comes to anti-CSRF tokens. So if you run the baseline scan with: -z "-config rules.csrf.ignorelist=search,login"
then ZAP will not fail the scan if forms with an ID of “search” or “login” do not have anti CSRF tokens.
Mass Baseline
If you would like to run the baseline against a number of sites then you can use the mass baseline scripts on the ZAP Community Scripts repo. These generate a dashboard which will show you a summary of the results on one wiki page.
Scan Hooks
This script supports scan hooks which allow you to override or modify behaviour of the script components instead of having to write a new script.
Automation Framework Migration
The baseline scan is in the process of being migrated to use the Automation Framework. For more details see the blog post: Baseline Scan Changes
Source Code
The source code for this script is in