WebSocket API



Returns all of the registered web socket channels.


Mandatory Parameters:

  • channelId: the channel identifier
  • messageId: the message identifier

Returns full details of the specified message.
The ‘channelId’ and ‘messageId’ can be discovered via the ‘messages’ view.


Optional Parameters:

  • channelId: the channel identifier
  • start: the offset to start returning messages from, starting from 0.
  • count: the number of messages to return.
  • payloadPreviewLength: the maximum number bytes to return for the payload contents.

Returns a list of all of the messages that meet the given criteria - by default all messages are returned
The channelId can be discovered via the ‘channels’ view.
The ‘start’ and ‘count’ parameters can be used to page through the messages
The ‘payloadPreviewLength’ can be used to restrict the size of the data returned.



Mandatory Parameters:

  • channelId: the channel identifier
  • outgoing: ‘True’ if the message is to be sent to the server and ‘False’ if it is to be sent to the client
  • message: the message to send

Sends the specified message on the specified channel.
The channelId can be discovered via the ‘channels’ view.