Spider Automation Framework Support

This add-on supports the Automation Framework.

Job: spider

The Spider job runs the Traditional Spider. This is fast but does not handle modern applications as effectively.

It is covered in the video: ZAP Chat 10 Automation Framework Part 4 - Spidering.

By default this job will spider the first context defined in the environment and so none of the parameters are mandatory.

This job supports monitor tests.


  - type: spider                       # The traditional spider - fast but doesnt handle modern apps so well
      context:                         # String: Name of the context to spider, default: first context
      user:                            # String: An optional user to use for authentication, must be defined in the env
      url:                             # String: Url to start spidering from, default: first context URL
      maxDuration:                     # Int: The max time in minutes the spider will be allowed to run for, default: 0 unlimited
      maxDepth:                        # Int: The maximum tree depth to explore, default 5
      maxChildren:                     # Int: The maximum number of children to add to each node in the tree
      acceptCookies:                   # Bool: Whether the spider will accept cookies, default: true
      handleODataParametersVisited:    # Bool: Whether the spider will handle OData responses, default: false
      handleParameters:                # Enum [ignore_completely, ignore_value, use_all]: How query string parameters are used when checking if a URI has already been visited, default: use_all
      maxParseSizeBytes:               # Int: The max size of a response that will be parsed, default: 2621440 - 2.5 Mb
      parseComments:                   # Bool: Whether the spider will parse HTML comments in order to find URLs, default: true
      parseGit:                        # Bool: Whether the spider will parse Git metadata in order to find URLs, default: false
      parseDsStore:                    # Bool: Whether the spider will parse .DS_Store files in order to find URLs, default: false
      parseRobotsTxt:                  # Bool: Whether the spider will parse 'robots.txt' files in order to find URLs, default: true
      parseSitemapXml:                 # Bool: Whether the spider will parse 'sitemap.xml' files in order to find URLs, default: true
      parseSVNEntries:                 # Bool: Whether the spider will parse SVN metadata in order to find URLs, default: false
      postForm:                        # Bool: Whether the spider will submit POST forms, default: true
      processForm:                     # Bool: Whether the spider will process forms, default: true
      sendRefererHeader:               # Bool: Whether the spider will send the referer header, default: true
      threadCount:                     # Int: The number of spider threads, default: 2 * Number of available processor cores
      userAgent:                       # String: The user agent to use in requests, default: '' - use the default ZAP one 
      - name: 'At least 100 URLs found'                 # String: Name of the test, default: statistic + operator + value
        type: 'stats'                                   # String: Type of test, only 'stats' is supported for now
        statistic: 'automation.spider.urls.added'       # String: Name of an integer / long statistic, currently supported: 'automation.spider.urls.added'
        operator: '>='                                  # String ['==', '!=', '>=', '>', '<', '<=']: Operator used for testing
        value: 100                                      # Int: Change this to the number of URLs you expect to find
        onFail: 'info'                                  # String: One of 'warn', 'error', 'info', mandatory