Selenium API

The ‘selenium’ API allows to set and view the paths to the required WebDrivers and binary.

API actions/views

Name Type Parameters Description
getBrowserArguments view browser* Gets the browser arguments.
optionChromeBinaryPath view Returns the current path to Chrome binary
optionChromeDriverPath view Returns the current path to ChromeDriver
optionFirefoxBinaryPath view Returns the current path to Firefox binary
optionFirefoxDriverPath view Returns the current path to Firefox driver (geckodriver)
addBrowserArgument action browser* argument* enabled Adds a browser argument.
launchBrowser action browser* Launches a browser proxying through ZAP, for manual usage.
removeBrowserArgument action browser* argument* Removes a browser argument.
setBrowserArgumentEnabled action browser* argument* enabled* Sets whether or not a browser argument is enabled.
setOptionChromeBinaryPath action String* Sets the current path to Chrome binary
setOptionChromeDriverPath action String* Sets the current path to ChromeDriver
setOptionFirefoxBinaryPath action String* Sets the current path to Firefox binary
setOptionFirefoxDriverPath action String* Sets the current path to Firefox driver (geckodriver)

Starred parameters are mandatory

See also

Selenium for an overview of the Selenium add-on
Options Selenium screen for an overview of the Selenium Options