The ZAP by Checkmarx Desktop User Guide
Passive Scanner Add-on
Passive Scanner API
Passive Scanner API
The following operations are added to the API:
- clearQueue: Clears the passive scan queue.
- disableAllScanners: Disables all passive scan rules.
- disableAllTags: Disables all passive scan tags.
- disableScanners (ids*): Disables passive scan rules.
- ids: A comma separated list of scan rule IDs.
- enableAllScanners: Enables all passive scan rules.
- enableAllTags: Enables all passive scan tags.
- enableScanners (ids*): Enables passive scan rules.
- ids: A comma separated list of scan rule IDs.
- setEnabled (enabled*): Sets whether or not the passive scanning is enabled (Note: the enabled state is not persisted).
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- setMaxAlertsPerRule (maxAlerts*): Sets the maximum number of alerts a passive scan rule can raise.
- maxAlerts: The maximum number of alerts.
- setScanOnlyInScope (onlyInScope*): Sets whether or not the passive scan should be performed only on messages that are in scope.
- onlyInScope: The scan state, true or false.
- setScannerAlertThreshold (id* alertThreshold*): Sets the alert threshold of a passive scan rule.
- id: The ID of the scan rule.
- alertThreshold: The alert threshold: OFF, DEFAULT, LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH
- currentTasks: Shows information about the passive scan tasks currently being run (if any).
- maxAlertsPerRule: Gets the maximum number of alerts a passive scan rule should raise.
- recordsToScan: The number of records the passive scanner still has to scan.
- scanOnlyInScope: Tells whether or not the passive scan should be performed only on messages that are in scope.
- scanners: Lists all passive scan rules with their ID, name, enabled state, and alert threshold.
See also