OpenAPI Automation Framework Support

This add-on supports the Automation Framework.

The add-on will add OpenAPI definitions if they are found while spidering but adding them explicitly via a URL or local file is recommended if they are available.

The targetUrl parameter works in the same way per ‘Target URL Format’.

Job: openapi

The openapi job allows you to import OpenAPI definitions via a URL or file.

It is covered in the video: ZAP Chat 11 Automation Framework Part 5 - APIs.

  - type: openapi                      # OpenAPI definition import
      apiFile:                         # String: Local file containing the OpenAPI definition, default: null, no definition will be imported
      apiUrl:                          # String: URL containing the OpenAPI definition, default: null, no definition will be imported
      context:                         # String: Context to use when importing the OpenAPI definition, default: first context.
      user:                            # String: An optional user to use for authentication, must be defined in the env.
      targetUrl:                       # String: URL which overrides the target defined in the definition, default: null, the target will not be overridden