The ZAP by Checkmarx Desktop User Guide
Out-of-band Application Security Testing Support
The following operations are supported by the API:
- getActiveScanService: Gets the service used with the active scanner, if any.
- getBoastOptions: Gets the BOAST options.
- getCallbackOptions: Gets the Callback options.
- getDaysToKeepRecords: Gets the number of days the OAST records will be kept for.
- getInteractshOptions: Gets the Interactsh options.
- getServices: Gets all of the services.
- setActiveScanService (name*): Sets the service used with the active scanner.
- name: The name of the service.
- setBoastOptions (server* pollInSecs*): Sets the BOAST options.
- server: The server URL.
- pollInSecs: The polling frequency.
- setCallbackOptions (localAddress* remoteAddress* port*): Sets the Callback options.
- localAddress: The local address
- remoteAddress: The remote address.
- port: The port to listen on.
- setDaysToKeepRecords (days*): Sets the number of days the OAST records will be kept for.
- days: The number of days.
- setInteractshOptions (server* pollInSecs* authToken*): Sets the Interactsh options.
- server: The server URL.
- pollInSecs: The polling frequency.
- authToken: The Interactsh authentication token.
See also