The ZAP by Checkmarx Desktop User Guide
Network Add-on
Network API
Network API
The following operations are added to the API:
- addAlias (name* enabled): Adds an alias for the local servers/proxies.
- name: The name of the alias.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- addHttpProxyExclusion (host* enabled): Adds a host to be excluded from the HTTP proxy.
- host: The value of the host, a regular expression.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- addLocalServer (address* port* api proxy behindNat decodeResponse removeAcceptEncoding): Adds a local server/proxy.
- address: The address of the local server/proxy.
- port: The port of the local server/proxy.
- api: If the ZAP API is available, true or false.
- proxy: If the local server should proxy, true or false.
- behindNat: If the local server is behind NAT, true or false.
- decodeResponse: If the response should be decoded, true or false.
- removeAcceptEncoding: If the request header Accept-Encoding should be removed, true or false.
- addPassThrough (authority* enabled): Adds an authority to pass-through the local proxies.
- authority: The value of the authority, can be a regular expression.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- addPkcs12ClientCertificate (filePath* password* index): Adds a client certificate contained in a PKCS#12 file, the certificate is automatically set as active and used.
- filePath: The file path.
- password: The password for the file.
- index: The index of the certificate in the file, defaults to 0.
- addRateLimitRule (description* enabled* matchRegex matchString requestsPerSecond* groupBy*): Adds a rule to the rate limiter.
- description: A description that allows you to identify the rule. Each rule must have a unique description.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- matchRegex: Determines if matchString is a regular expression or a plain string: true or false.
- matchString: A plain string match is handled based on DNS conventions. If the string has one or two components. If matchRegex is true, this is a regular expression.
- requestsPerSecond: The maximum number of requests per second.
- groupBy: How to group hosts when applying rate limiting: rule or host
- generateRootCaCert: Generates a new Root CA certificate, used to issue server certificates.
- importRootCaCert (filePath*): Imports a Root CA certificate to be used to issue server certificates.
- filePath: The file system path to the PEM file, containing the certificate and private key.
- removeAlias (name*): Removes an alias.
- name: The name of the alias.
- removeHttpProxyExclusion (host*): Removes an HTTP proxy exclusion.
- host: The value of the host.
- removeLocalServer (address* port*): Removes a local server/proxy.
- address: The address of the local server/proxy.
- port: The port of the local server/proxy.
- removePassThrough (authority*): Removes a pass-through.
- authority: The value of the authority.
- removeRateLimitRule (description*): Removes a rule from the rate limiter.
- description: The description of the rule.
- setAliasEnabled (name* enabled): Sets whether or not an alias is enabled.
- name: The name of the alias.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- setConnectionTimeout (timeout*): Sets the timeout, for reads and connects.
- timeout: The timeout, in seconds.
- setDefaultUserAgent (userAgent*): Sets the default user-agent.
- userAgent: The default user-agent.
- setDnsTtlSuccessfulQueries (ttl*): Sets the TTL of successful DNS queries.
- ttl: The TTL, in seconds. Negative number, cache forever. Zero, disables caching. Positive number, the number of seconds the successful DNS queries will be cached.
- setHttpProxy (host* port* realm username password): Sets the HTTP proxy configuration.
- host: The host, name or address.
- port: The port.
- realm: The authentication realm.
- username: The user name.
- password: The password.
- setHttpProxyAuthEnabled (enabled*): Sets whether or not the HTTP proxy authentication is enabled.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- setHttpProxyEnabled (enabled*): Sets whether or not the HTTP proxy is enabled.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- setHttpProxyExclusionEnabled (host* enabled*): Sets whether or not an HTTP proxy exclusion is enabled.
- host: The value of the host.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- setPassThroughEnabled (authority* enabled): Sets whether or not a pass-through is enabled.
- authority: The value of the authority.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- setRateLimitRuleEnabled (description*, enabled*): Set enabled state for a rate limit rule.
- description: The description of the rule.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- setRootCaCertValidity (validity*): Sets the Root CA certificate validity. Used when generating a new Root CA certificate.
- validity: The number of days that the generated Root CA certificate will be valid for.
- setServerCertValidity (validity*): Sets the server certificate validity. Used when generating server certificates.
- validity: The number of days that the generated server certificates will be valid for.
- setSocksProxy (host* port* version useDns username password): Sets the SOCKS proxy configuration.
- host: The host, name or address.
- port: The port.
- version: The SOCKS version.
- useDns: If the names should be resolved by the SOCKS proxy, true or false.
- username: The user name.
- password: The password.
- setSocksProxyEnabled (enabled*): Sets whether or not the SOCKS proxy is enabled.
- enabled: The enabled state, true or false.
- setUseClientCertificate (use*): Sets whether or not to use the active client certificate.
- use: The use state, true or false.
- setUseGlobalHttpState (use*): Sets whether or not to use the global HTTP state.
- use: The use state, true or false.
- getAliases: Gets the aliases used to identify the local servers/proxies.
- getConnectionTimeout: Gets the connection timeout, in seconds.
- getDefaultUserAgent: Gets the default user-agent.
- getDnsTtlSuccessfulQueries: Gets the TTL (in seconds) of successful DNS queries.
- getHttpProxy: Gets the HTTP proxy.
- getHttpProxyExclusions: Gets the HTTP proxy exclusions.
- getLocalServers: Gets the local servers/proxies.
- getPassThroughs: Gets the authorities that will pass-through the local proxies.
- getRateLimitRules: Gets the rate limit rules.
- getRootCaCertValidity: Gets the Root CA certificate validity, in days. Used when generating a new Root CA certificate.
- getServerCertValidity: Gets the server certificate validity, in days. Used when generating server certificates.
- getSocksProxy: Gets the SOCKS proxy.
- isHttpProxyAuthEnabled: Tells whether or not the HTTP proxy authentication is enabled.
- isHttpProxyEnabled: Tells whether or not the HTTP proxy is enabled.
- isSocksProxyEnabled: Tells whether or not the SOCKS proxy is enabled.
- isUseGlobalHttpState: Tells whether or not to use global HTTP state.
- proxy.pac: Provides a PAC file, proxying through the main proxy.
- rootCaCert: Gets the Root CA certificate used to issue server certificates. Suitable to import into client applications (e.g. browsers).
- setProxy (proxy*): Sets the HTTP proxy configuration.
- proxy: The JSON object containing the HTTP proxy configuration.
- proxy.pac: Provides a PAC file, proxying through the main proxy.
- setproxy: Sets the HTTP proxy configuration.
- Request body: The JSON object containing the HTTP proxy configuration.
See also
Network |
the introduction to Network add-on |