This job runs the active scanner. This actively attacks your applications and should therefore only be used against applications that you have permission to test.
It is covered in the video: ZAP Chat 12 Automation Framework Part 6 - Delays and Active Scan.
By default this job will actively scan the first context defined in the environment and so none of the parameters are mandatory.
This job supports monitor tests.
- type: activeScan # The active scanner - this actively attacks the target so should only be used with permission
context: # String: Name of the context to attack, default: first context
user: # String: An optional user to use for authentication, must be defined in the env
policy: # String: Name of the scan policy to be used, default: Default Policy
maxRuleDurationInMins: # Int: The max time in minutes any individual rule will be allowed to run for, default: 0 unlimited
maxScanDurationInMins: # Int: The max time in minutes the active scanner will be allowed to run for, default: 0 unlimited
addQueryParam: # Bool: If set will add an extra query parameter to requests that do not have one, default: false
defaultPolicy: # String: The name of the default scan policy to use, default: Default Policy
delayInMs: # Int: The delay in milliseconds between each request, use to reduce the strain on the target, default 0
handleAntiCSRFTokens: # Bool: If set then automatically handle anti CSRF tokens, default: false
injectPluginIdInHeader: # Bool: If set then the relevant rule Id will be injected into the X-ZAP-Scan-ID header of each request, default: false
scanHeadersAllRequests: # Bool: If set then the headers of requests that do not include any parameters will be scanned, default: false
threadPerHost: # Int: The max number of threads per host, default: 2 * Number of available processor cores
maxAlertsPerRule: # Int: Maximum number of alerts to raise per rule, default: 0 unlimited
policyDefinition: # The policy definition - only used if the 'policy' is not set
defaultStrength: # String: The default Attack Strength for all rules, one of Low, Medium, High, Insane (not recommended), default: Medium
defaultThreshold: # String: The default Alert Threshold for all rules, one of Off, Low, Medium, High, default: Medium
rules: # A list of one or more active scan rules and associated settings which override the defaults
- id: # Int: The rule id as per
name: # String: The name of the rule for documentation purposes - this is not required or actually used
strength: # String: The Attack Strength for this rule, one of Low, Medium, High, Insane, default: Medium
threshold: # String: The Alert Threshold for this rule, one of Off, Low, Medium, High, default: Medium
Note : Unless the defaultThreshold
of the policyDefinition
is OFF
all rules will be enabled to start with.
The policy can be one defined by a previous activeScan-policy job, or by a scan policy file
that has been put in policies
directory under ZAP’s HOME directory .
The following class will be made available to add-ons that provide access to the Job Data such as the Reporting add-on. Note that in this case the data is from the last Active Scan, regardless of whether it was started by the Automation Framework, the UI, or the API.