Authentication Report - JSON

This is a specialized report which details how authentication handling worked for the given site.

You must specify the site you want the report for otherwise no data will be generated.

This report is designed to be run after attempting to access at least one authenticated URL with the authentication method set up correctly and with valid credentials.

Session handling and verification can be left as “autodetect” - this report will detail how effective that was.


Section ID
Summary summary
Automation Framework Environment afenv
Statistics statistics


The following summary items are used:

Key Passed Description
auth.summary.auth false Authentication failed
auth.summary.auth true Authentication appeared to work
auth.summary.password false Password field not identified
auth.summary.password true Password field identified
auth.summary.session false Session Handling not identified
auth.summary.session true Session Handling identified
auth.summary.username false Username field not identified
auth.summary.username true Username field identified
auth.summary.verif false Verification URL not identified
auth.summary.verif true Verification URL identified

Automation Framework Environment

This is the Automation Framework environment that can be used to recreate the context being tested.

If you have set the Session Management or Verification to “autodetect” and ZAP successfully detected them then the environment will have been updated with the values that ZAP has detected.


These are all of the statistcis that have been recorded by ZAP.
For more details of what they mean see


	"@programName": "ZAP",
	"@version": "Dev Build",
	"@generated": "Mon, 10 Feb 2025 17:27:23",
	"site":  "http:\/\/localhost:9091"
	,"summaryItems": [
			"description": "Username field identified",
			"passed": true,
			"key": "auth.summary.username"
			"description": "Password field identified",
			"passed": true,
			"key": "auth.summary.password"
			"description": "Session Handling identified",
			"passed": true,
			"key": "auth.summary.session"
			"description": "Verification URL identified",
			"passed": true,
			"key": "auth.summary.verif"
	,"afEnv": "env:\n  contexts:\n  - name: simple-json-bearer-cookie\n    urls:\n    - http:\/\/localhost:9091\/auth\/simple-json-bearer-cookie\n    includePaths:\n    - http:\/\/localhost:9091\/auth\/simple-json-bearer-cookie.*\n    authentication:\n      method: browser\n      parameters:\n        loginPageUrl: http:\/\/localhost:9091\/auth\/simple-json-bearer-cookie\/\n        loginPageWait: 5\n        browserId: firefox-headless\n        steps: []\n      verification:\n        method: poll\n        loggedInRegex: \\Q 200 OK\\E\n        loggedOutRegex: \\Q 403 Forbidden\\E\n        pollFrequency: 0\n        pollUnits: seconds\n        pollUrl: http:\/\/localhost:9091\/auth\/simple-json-bearer-cookie\/user\n        pollPostData: \"\"\n    sessionManagement:\n      method: headers\n      parameters:\n        Authorization: \"Bearer {%json:accesstoken%}\"\n        Cookie: \"token={%json:accesstoken%}\"\n    technology: {}\n    structure: {}\n    users:\n    - name: test\n      credentials:\n        password: password123\n        username: [email protected]\n  parameters: {}\n"
	,"statistics": [
			"key": "stats.auth.browser.foundfields",
			"scope": "site",
			"value": 1
			"key": "stats.auth.browser.passed",
			"scope": "site",
			"value": 1
			"key": "stats.auth.configure.session.header",
			"scope": "global",
			"value": 1
			"key": "stats.auth.configure.verification",
			"scope": "global",
			"value": 1
			"key": "stats.auth.detect.auth.json",
			"scope": "global",
			"value": 5
			"key": "stats.auth.detect.session.accesstoken",
			"scope": "global",
			"value": 5
			"key": "stats.auth.detect.session.authorization",
			"scope": "global",
			"value": 1
			"key": "stats.auth.detect.session.token",
			"scope": "global",
			"value": 7
			"key": "stats.auth.session.set.header",
			"scope": "global",
			"value": 20
			"key": "stats.auth.sessiontoken.accesstoken",
			"scope": "site",
			"value": 9
			"key": "stats.auth.sessiontoken.token",
			"scope": "site",
			"value": 6
			"key": "stats.auth.sessiontokens.max",
			"scope": "global",
			"value": 2
			"key": "stats.auth.state.loggedin",
			"scope": "site",
			"value": 2
			"key": "stats.auth.success",
			"scope": "site",
			"value": 1