Mission Statement - this is what we are trying to achieve
Team - the key people working on ZAP right now
Support - how the ZAP team can support you, and how you can support ZAP
Roadmap - where ZAP is headed
History - how ZAP came to be (work in progress)
User Group - the best place to ask questions about using ZAP
Developer Group - ask questions about the ZAP internals
Slack - chat with core ZAP developers on the ZAP Slack
Slack Invite - join the ZAP Slack
Evangelists - people happy to give ZAP talks or training around the world
Issues - see known issues and feature requests and raise new ones
Contributing Guide - lots more details on how you can get involved
Source Code - for all ZAP related projects
Crowdin (GUI) - help translate the ZAP GUI
Crowdin (Desktop User Guide) - help translate the ZAP Desktop User Guide
GSoC - Google Summer of Code
Student Hall of Fame - Students who have made significant contributions to ZAP
Supporters - Companies who have supported ZAP in a variety of ways
Success Stories - See how companies are using ZAP right now
Third Party Products and Services - Third Party products and services that use or integrate with ZAP
Third Party Engagement - How Third Parties can use ZAP and engage with the ZAP Core Team